Unlock Your Blessings And Birth Your Best Life with The Key to Get Fit™️

Hello, and welcome to our #FitFamily! We are so excited to have you with us! 🙏😊

My name is Coach Keon Moffatt, and with more than 20 years of experience in the health and wellness field…

I created this online community as a specially curated space for Women who are ready to kick the toxins and heal their whole selves — body, mind, and spirit — for good…

All while achieving their highest, healthiest potential and unlocking the quality of life they truly want and deserve.

If this sounds like you, then Honey, welcome home!

Maybe you’re here to get your numbers down — we’re talking weight and inches, blood pressure, or glucose.

Or perhaps you’re battling food addiction, infertility, or another dis-ease.

Maybe parasites are holding your digestive system hostage.

Or the toxins you’re exposed to daily through the food you currently eat (and plenty of other products and day-to-day essentials) are wreaking havoc on your organs…

And you need a detox specialist to guide you through an effective elimination protocol.

Whatever the reason, the fact is that you joined this group because you know you can’t accomplish your health and wellness goals alone.

If you’re anything like the majority of us here, you’ve probably tried to do it all by yourself in the past without lasting success.

Or you’ve been putting it off for so long that it’s gotten completely out of hand, and now it’s time to take the right kind of action before it gets any worse.

And, like so many of us here, you’ve probably become an expert at excuses…

Sound familiar?

Believe me when I say… we’ve ALL been there!

Every single person in this group.

Including — and especially — me.

The truth is, like all of us, you found your way here because you know you need support, compassion, and accountability (and probably a little bit of tough love) if you’re going to make real, lasting changes. 

You also know that it will be so much easier to reach your goals when you have the help of someone who has been where you are now and emerged victorious on the other side.

And here’s where I need you to understand, arguably, the most important point I wish to make…

When you make that shift into a stronger, happier, healthier version of yourself, it causes a ripple effect that positively impacts everyone around you.

That said, I understand firsthand how scary and overwhelming it can be to follow through when it’s time to invest yourself 100% into the journey… 

Particularly when you aren't completely certain the coach or consultant you're thinking of working with will truly be able to help you.

That's why I'm writing to you today. It's my hope that sharing my own journey with you will help you put aside any fears or doubts you may feel about working with me.

Because in order for you to really get to know me and begin to grasp how I can help you with whatever it is you came here to accomplish, you deserve the whole story, including the pieces I used to want to hide.

Part I: The Descent

As invigorating as it is to condense 20 years of experiences, revelations, and knowledge into a few simple words showing you exactly who I am, why it is I do what I do, and all the shadows I had to confront in order to get to where I am now...

It has not been a painless task, to say the least.

Before I take you back to the beginning of my journey, let me tell you a little bit about the life I live now and the happiness I have created for myself and my family. 

Today, I am Mother to my most sacred, breath-taking baby boy Daniel, the absolute light of my life. 

I am Wife to a supportive, conscious man, whom I cherish and adore with every inch of my heart. 

I am Daughter.

I am Granddaughter.

I am Sister.

I am Aunty.

I am Niece.

I am Cousin...

To a family who holds me in the arms of unconditional love and stands by me through life's every trial and every victory.

A family who not only allows me to be unapologetically me in each and every moment… 

But who also celebrates the Woman, the Spiritual Powerhouse, the Expert Coach, Herbalist, and Detox Specialist I have become, without judgment, without fear, and without doubt. 

I am a Woman with the KEYS TO GET FIT in every aspect of life.

A Woman who loves her body and honors her temple as the gift and privilege that it is, who chooses to live and walk her path in the Light, though she is well acquainted with the Darkness.

A Woman who eats nourishing, life-giving foods, who consistently hydrates every cell in her body every single day, moving her temple in loving rhythm as she communes and flows in tandem with Spirit.

And every opportunity I get, I share what I have learned and offer support to women like you along your own journey so that you, too, can find the peace, fulfillment, and bliss that we ALL deserve. 

But things were not always so blissful for me.

Because at the tender age of 18 years old and 10 weeks pregnant, I lost my first of many children to miscarriage and premature birth.

When I was 20, I lost my second child at 14 weeks.

I was 18 weeks pregnant when I lost my third child at age 22, and I was 23 years old when I lost my fourth child at 20 weeks. 

My next baby, Brittany, was born prematurely at 22 weeks, with severely underdeveloped lungs. 

I remember watching her gasp for breath… 

I remember there being only enough time to kiss her forehead and say my goodbyes before she passed away, and they took her tiny body to the morgue. 

The doctors said there was nothing they could do for her. 

After Brittany’s death, I was diagnosed with an “incompetent cervix,” which meant my cervix was weak, and any child I would carry would likely be born prematurely or miscarry.

Although it was an alarming diagnosis, I eventually conceived my sixth child, Brianna, whom I gave birth to when I was 25.

Because of the issue with my cervix, I’d had a cerclage put in at the beginning of the pregnancy to prevent premature birth, but Brianna was, nonetheless, born prematurely at 26 weeks, and like her sister Brittany, her lungs were underdeveloped.

Since she was about a month older than her sister had been when she was born, they put Brianna on a ventilator to help her breathe, a machine which would be necessary to her survival for the rest of her life.

The doctors tried to assure me she didn’t feel any pain, but each time they changed her chest tube, her little body jerked like she was being shocked with an electric volt, like she was jumping out of her skin.

After seeing her jerk each time they changed the tube, I felt it would be selfish of me to keep her on breathing support. 

I could see she was clearly in pain, despite what the doctors were saying, and I told myself that if it was truly meant for her to stay on this earth, then she would be able to breathe on her own.

But she couldn’t.

The day I took Brianna off the ventilator, my family came to the hospital to pray with me and be with us while I held her for the final time and just looked at her. 

God had always been a friend of mine, someone I could turn to when I needed strength and guidance, so we prayed as a family, calling on my friend once again.

Brianna had these beautiful, bushy eyebrows, and I thought she looked so much more like her father than she did me. 

When we finished praying, I said to her, “It’s okay, you can go home. You can go to Heaven, and be with your sister.” 

Then the sound of the ventilator came to a stop.

There was no more life in my baby girl.

When I left the hospital to go home, I didn’t feel like I had a home to go to. It was February, and it was so cold outside, but I was already numb to the core of my being.

When the depression came, nothing mattered.

The education I had didn’t matter. The successful job I had as a Legal Nurse Consultant didn’t matter. My relationship with God and my loved ones didn’t matter.

It was all just darkness.

Oddly enough, I wasn’t angry with God, nor did I question why Brianna had to go. 

Instead, I felt like Brianna’s death was all my fault because I wasn’t good enough for her, not Woman enough to carry her to term.

Even though I thought I’d done everything right, everything I was supposed to do, it still wasn’t enough. 

I had failed miserably.

It was like the whole world was pushing on my shoulders.

And I sank so, so low.

When I started feeling like I didn’t even want to live anymore, that’s when I knew something had to give.

I could either let the heartbreak destroy me and take everything I had left…

Or I could push through and overcome it.

Part II: The Resurrection

Over the next five years, I focused every ounce of my will on healing myself through holistic means.

In that first year, I didn’t do a lot of talking. I was very reserved, very quiet, processing life, and constantly asking, “What did I do wrong? What could I have done to make this better?” 

I spent a lot of time meditating, reading the Bible and studying the book of Psalms, trying to keep myself as uplifted as I could, seeking answers, being still with myself and going within.  

At some point, I started using my voice again, chanting affirmations and mantras like the Hawaiian Hoʝoponopono practice of reconciliation and forgiveness, trying to call upon the healing wisdom found in various spiritual paths in order to be okay with myself again. 

Eventually, my deepening spiritual practice led me to make changes in every area of my life.

I came to understand that my physical body needed to heal just as much as my mind and spirit, and that all three components had to work in perfect alignment with each other if I was ever going to overcome the darkness I found myself in.

Perhaps my most significant breakthrough was changing my mindset.

I knew in my heart that, eventually, I would give birth to a healthy, fully-developed child who would live a long and happy life, and in order to give that child the best possible chance of survival in my womb, I first had to believe it was possible.

Little by little, I started to come around.

I started to open up and love myself like I had never done before, and once I felt that love of self, I was able to push through the heartache. 

I became stronger, and I was experiencing a new kind of energy level that was beyond my wildest dreams.

I learned how important it was to keep my energy clear and vibrating at a higher state and to keep my womb sacred.

Along the way, I met the man who is now my husband, and since five years had passed since Brianna’s death, I decided to get pregnant again.

Despite all the work I’d done and all the progress I’d made, something went wrong with that pregnancy, and I suffered another miscarriage.

This time, rather than having a D&C procedure to scrape the walls of my cervix and remove the fetal tissue from my womb, my gynecologist told me, “Keon, I want you to naturally expel the pregnancy. No D&C. Let this be natural.”

It took about 9 or 10 weeks of continual bleeding before I had expelled everything, constantly checking in with my body, with my womb, to make sure everything was okay. 

And it was. 

I allowed myself to go through it, this sacred process, and in the end, I was more than okay.

A year later, I became pregnant with Daniel.

Four months passed. Then five, then six, seven, and eight. 

In the first week of the ninth month, my water broke, and I had a C-section on Easter Sunday, March 23, 2008.

Resurrection Day: weighing in at 6 pounds and 14 ounces, my Son was born.

I’ll let you interpret the symbolism.

Part III: An Invitation

It was such a VICTORY to go home with my Son! 

After all that I endured, his birth made the heartaches worth it.

But it was hard. Incredibly hard. 

It was also lonely and totally overwhelming because I didn’t have anyone there guiding, supporting, and encouraging me. No one there to cheer me on and hold me accountable. 

I had to do it all for myself. 

Perhaps that was due to stubborn pride and not wanting to allow others to help me.

I also found it hard to trust anyone after feeling disappointed, over and over again, by my doctors. 

Worst of all… I didn’t believe I deserved help.

My deeply-internalized feelings of incompetence and guilt made it seem like I wasn’t worthy enough to receive support. 

Truthfully, I made things so much harder for myself than they needed to be.

And that’s what brings us back to you and why you’re still reading this letter. 

Like I said in the beginning, the reason for your joining this group doesn’t matter; what matters is that you’re here because you know there is strength in numbers, and you desire support to reach your goals.

By the end of this, you’re going to have a few options…

You can put this letter away and forget about it, spend a few weeks or months hanging out in the group, becoming an active participant, or just silently observing from the sidelines.

You might even have some success with your goals just by hanging around and doing your own thing within the container of the group.

Either way, you’ll stay in the group and have some success or not, depending on your level of willingness to participate… 

Or you’ll leave the group and, hopefully, find another one somewhere else that resonates a little more for you.


If you’d rather not wait to see how your goals do or do not pan out…

If you’re ready TODAY to get started…

If you want someone who truly cares and “gets it” to sit down with you and go over the specific issues you face… 

Someone who will not only help you make sense of what is going on with your health and give you a step-by-step plan to reach your goals… 

Someone who will be with you every day to make sure you’re staying on track…

Then click the button below that says, “Show Me The Keys to Get Fit!” at the bottom of this page to schedule our first consult call.

You’ll be redirected to my personal bookings calendar, where you can choose the time of your convenience for us to chat.

Once you click “submit,” you’ll be prompted to fill out an intake form that will help me prepare for our consultation and make the most of our time together, so the more detailed you can be on that intake form, the better.

Whether we’re a good fit to work together or not, I can promise you this:

By the end of our call, you will have clarity on the exact protocols to follow and steps to take to reach your goals, including diet and herb recommendations, as well as some physical, mental, and spiritual exercises you can incorporate into your daily routine, all tailored to your unique circumstances. 

You will also receive an MP3 recording of the call for your records, and any additional deliverables we discuss during the consultation. 

And if I feel like you’d benefit from working with me one-on-one, I’ll invite you to become a private client in my signature program, The Key to Get Fit™️. 

Remember, when you take the right action and make a shift into a healthier, happier version of yourself, you positively impact every person around you and in your care.

That is to say… you aren’t just doing this for yourself. 

You are doing this because as Women, as Daughters, Sisters, Mothers, and Lovers, life lies with us. 

We are the keepers of the key for our families, and we must learn how to heal ourselves. 

We must become our own healers, and we must be proactive in our health. 

And we have to make sure that we are taken care of… 

So that we can take care of those who depend on us. 

All of this becomes so much easier and much more powerful when we come together, in sisterhood, and lift one another up.

Because it all begins with us.

THAT’S why I do what I do.

THAT’S what I am here for.

And THAT’S why I am here now, opening my arms in the utmost spirit of unconditional love, offering you the support I didn’t have, so that you may benefit now. 

Not next month, or next year, or in five years. 


Right now.

So if you’re ready, I am too.

And wherever you are, I will meet you there. 

All you have to do is click the link below and say…

>>“YES! Show me the Keys to Get Fit!”<<

It’s only your best life waiting for you on the other side.

With love and gratitude,

Coach Keon