Pre-Launch Nurture Sequence & Social Media Lead Generation for Wealth Warrior Dojo by Arion Light

(Please Note: The following pieces were written as one part of a larger lead-gen/funnel nurture campaign for social media and email, carried out in cooperation between myself and several other marketers. These were my contributions to the overall campaign, so some of these may read a bit “out of context,” but they can also be read as standalone content.)


Stop what you’re doing right now, indulge me for a moment, and ponder this:

What would it be like for you to move through your days knowing you have an endless river of money streaming into your reality at all times?

How would your life change if you KNEW, with full certainty… 

You had the power to receive as much money as you cared for?

Would your business look the same way it looks now?

Would you be working with the same sort of clients?

Would you be putting out the same sort of offers and services?

Would your relationships with the people and animals you care for look the same?

How about your daily schedule and hobbies?

Would you nourish your body with the same types of food?

Would you be able to make more time for self care and introspection?

Would your entire existence undergo massive transformation on every imaginable level…

Ultimately allowing you to show up in the world in all the ways you most deeply desire?

It’s not just a fantasy. I promise.

Because any given day, you can look around at the online business world and see so many others absolutely SMASHING the entrepreneurial game.

You can see them making a massive impact on the people around them and showing up in the world as their fully-unleashed, most badass selves.

And you might ask yourself how they make it look so easy, fun, and at times even sexy. 

You might also ask yourself… 

When will it be YOUR turn to step into wild abundance and receive the kind of money in your reality you truly long for?

When will YOU be able to experience those “five-figure months” and “six-figure years”?

What have all these folks got figured out about the money game that you’re still missing?

The truth is…

That the ONLY thing you haven’t figured out yet isn’t some Law of Attraction “secret,” or the “ultimate hack” to create your first $100K year.

No, my darling. That’s not it.

It’s that you simply haven’t recognized and accepted that the only thing which can truly set you free

Is your own self.

Sure, you might have been born into a $hitty money story or inherited a dicey financial situation. 

Believe me, I know all about that.

And to one degree or another, we have ALL been born into a broken system.

But the fact of the matter is…

While your financial history and current situation may not be “your fault”...

It is 100% your responsibility to shift it.

It’s also WELL within your power and abilities to do so.

In fact, you are so incredibly capable of taming the dragon that is money and making it bow its head to you…

That I harnessed my own passionate fury over watching you struggle with this and created an entire program to teach you everything I know about making money your bitch.

(Oh yeah. I said it.)

If I wasn't absolutely certain of your capability to sort out your money $hit and change (and effectively upgrade) your life for good, I wouldn’t be wasting my time with this program.

But here I am.

So, I’ll ask you again…

What would it be like for you to know and FULLY BELIEVE you have an endless river of money streaming into your reality at all times?

How would this change your life?

And, perhaps most importantly...

Haven’t you fantasized long enough?

I think you have, and that's why I've created the Wealth Warrior Dojo to help you tame the money dragon once and for all.

Want for a taste of what's in store when you step into the Dojo?

Then join on us live on December 15, for our first FREE Blasterclass, where I'm going to teach you the REAL secret to receiving lasting wealth and money. 

Click the link in my bio to register and join us live via Zoom at 12:00 PM AEST.

It's time to let me help you rewrite your financial story.

Are you in?


You wanna know what I’m most looking forward to when you claim your spot in the Wealth Warrior Dojo to train with us?

Watching you make money your bitch.

That’s right.

You heard me correctly, and I’ll say it again.

Over the last decade, it’s given me infinite joy and pleasure to watch so many of my clients redefine what money is for them… 

Then make it their BITCH!

And, my darling one, I’m so excited to witness you go next.

Because when you shift your relationship with money and learn how to make it bow to you like a wild dragon, ready to serve your heart's every desire, magic happens.

THAT’S when you really begin to live the life you were born for and make a massive impact in the world, carrying out your soul’s deepest callings.

Take my client Nicole, for instance.

I’ve worked with Nicole for several years, watching her blossom into one of the most badass Warriors of Love I have the pleasure of knowing.

Yet, it wasn’t until 2020, in the throes of the pandemic, that we began to dive into her relationship with wealth and money.

Once we did, Nic started to create massive cashflow in her business. 

At the beginning of her Wealth Warrior training, she was deeply ashamed of her relationship and history with money, and she was struggling to create even the smallest sums on a consistent basis.

But in just three months, and despite a global pandemic…

She was able to receive over $50,000 in sales through her coaching business, officially making money her bitch!

She recently told me, “Today, I have deep trust and confidence in my power to create wealth for myself. Now, creating money feels like a fun game I get to play with Life, and I'm getting better and better at it, thanks to the powerful internal foundation I've laid using this Warrior work! I'm eternally grateful.”

If you want to learn how to make money your bitch just like Nicole…

You must first let go of your current relationship with it, where you’ve constantly been “trying” to get more of it, constantly chasing after it, and instead…

Step into the master role you were born to play. 

That is to say…

You need to become money’s master, once and for all.

You also need to understand this — part of the reason why you’ve declared over and over that you’re ready to have more money, yet you can’t seem to make it happen… 

It’s because you’re still living by someone else’s definition and standards of what wealth is and how it can come to you.

It’s time to change that.

It’s time to redefine what wealth is for YOU, and begin living by a new set of standards.

It’s time to claim prosperity as what it truly is — your absolute birthright!

It’s time to make the money dragon lower its head to you so that you can climb onto its ferocious, beautiful back, and fly into the incredible life you were born for.

It’s time to crack that whip!

So, to that end…

You’re invited to join us in the first Wealth Warrior Blasterclass on December 15, at 12:00 PM AEST, where I’m going to tell you…

The single biggest secret to shifting your relationship with wealth and money for good. 

If this sounds like your kind of thing, the link to join us is in my bio.

Get on your beast, Warrior, and let me help you make money your bitch!


I know a lot of you need to hear this so, here it goes…

*deep breath*


I know. Shocking.

Controversial, even.

But hear me out.

So many big-hearted Warriors of Love with absolutely amazing, life-changing gifts and medicine to share with the world have been lead to believe… 

That if you aren’t following in your mentor’s footsteps and creating a coaching business of your own, then you’re either:

A) Not following your soul’s deepest calling;

B) Never going to create the kind of wealth in your life that you truly desire AND deserve; or…

C) A combination of both.

Today, I’m here to tell you...

It’s all a giant load of bull$hit, if you want my honest opinion.

Yes, it’s true I’ve helped many coaches become successful and create massive wealth through their businesses.

But that is NOT the only way to do it.

It’s not the “superior” way to do it, either, and no, you are NOT “wasting” your gifts by finding and following a different path.

Yet, I see this false belief and programming play out all the time in my industry, and to be perfectly blunt, it pisses me off!

That’s because coaching is a specific skill set, and it’s not a true wealth pathway for everybody, despite what this industry likes to preach.

To that end, I’ve helped many of my clients find other pathways to wealth that require completely different sets of skills beyond digital marketing and coaching.

Shifting your relationship with wealth isn’t just about discovering what you’re good at — it’s about finding where your true genius lies… 

And then having the courage to honor it.

Even if that means dismantling your current offers and service models and building something completely different.

In fact, one of my most successful clients changed his entire business model after doing this Wealth Warrior work with me and discovering his real genius.

He closed the doors to his successful coaching business, where he was seeing 5-10 clients each week on average, and created an entirely new set of offers and services around identifying and building systems for other entrepreneurs.

While he was doing well enough as coach, he realized his greatest gifts and passions are in building and implementing systems that other businesses can use to thrive.

And as a result?

He was able to MASSIVELY shift his relationship with wealth and triple his income.

So my call to action for you today is this…


If you’ve been spinning your wheels, pushing yourself to build a coaching business, convinced it’s the only way to create wealth and abundance in your life, while still honoring your natural gifts…

Let this be your official permission slip from the universe to let that bull$hit go here and now.

There are so many ways to grow your wealth, and my passion is about helping you find one that fits with YOUR natural style of communication, unique skill set, and genius. 

In our Wealth Warrior Dojo, you will learn our PASSION > PROFICIENCY > PROFIT model, which helps you align your true gifts with the services and offerings that the people you were born to serve truly want to experience.

If you take nothing else away from this post, remember this…

There is an effortless pathway to wealth for you that is as natural as breathing, and when you find it, effort goes down and money goes up!

If you want help discovering YOUR personal pathway to wealth…

And if you want to experience just how easy and fun creating wealth in your life can be when you let go of your preconceived notions of how you “ought” to be making money… 

Then come check us out during our FREE Wealth Warrior Blasterclass on December 15.

Check the link in my bio to register and join us live at 12:00 PM AEST.


I must be insane, hey?

Because if you’ve seen the sales pages for the Wealth Warrior Dojo, you know the value of this program is well over $10K.

Yet, I’m only asking for an investment of $500 from you…

To completely change your entire life forever 

By radically transforming your relationship with money.

I’m only asking for $500…

To gain full, unrestricted access to EVERYTHING I’ve learned from working with thousands of people for more than a decade.

I’m only asking for $500…

For you to have such a solid breakthrough with money that it is never again an issue for you.  

For you to learn how to make receiving money and creating wealth an easy, wildly fun and highly pleasurable process you can use over and over for the rest of your life.

So you can break the cycles of poverty and lack that have plagued your family and ancestral line for generations, creating a new financial reality for yourself and your loved ones.

Plus, I’m so confident the framework you will learn in this program will work such wonders in your life that I’m even giving you a 100% money back guarantee, if after the first 7 days you decide it’s not for you.

I know. Bonkers.

Especially when you factor in the reality that most other coaches and teachers in my industry typically charge $1K minimum for this kind of program.

In other words, dropping some serious cash to sort out your money $hit — as ironic as that sounds — is the current gold standard.

Because, as the seemingly nonsensical saying goes…

“You must spend money to make money.”

From an alchemical viewpoint, this makes total sense, for every transmutation requires equal energetic exchange in order for the magic to occur.

If I wanted to, I could easily charge $10K for this program, and it would certainly be “fair” for the life-changing value I’ve packed into this 21-day journey. 

But I’m not doing that.

Because, to be perfectly frank…


I’m tired of watching you hold yourself back from doing what you truly want to do, living life on your most authentic terms, and doing the divine work you came to this world to carry out.

I’m tired of hearing about all the people whose lives you HAVEN’T changed yet because you haven’t been able to go “all in” with your business.

All because you don’t have the money you need to cover your basic human needs.

It’s bull$hit, darling.

And I’m tired of it.

So while respecting the alchemical rule of equal energetic exchange, I’ve done my best to price this program as affordably as possible, complete with an extended payment plan.

So that you CAN’T AFFORD NOT to say “yes!” and step into the Dojo, so we can get you where you deserve to be financially once and for all.

I’m only asking for $500…

Because I want this to be the program that you can’t talk yourself out of over the price.

It’s time for you to sort out your money $hit.

You came here to do amazing things.

Let’s take care of your wealth so you can REALLY get to work. 

Click the link in the comments to join us. 

We begin December 27.