Drop the Blame Game for Good & Become Your Own Medicine
(Paid Meta Advertising Campaign for The Self-Healer's Way
Group Coaching Program by Haux Gatherings)
(Ad Headline & Description Variations)
V1: Get Unstuck with the Right Support
V2: Becoming Your Own Medicine
V3: Tired of Spinning Your Wheels?
V4: Become the Ultimate Healer of Your Life
V5: From Rock Bottom to Ultimate Self-Healer
V6: Drop the Blame Game
V7: The TWO Things You Need to Heal
V8: Claim Your Potential as the Healer of Your Life.
V9: Everything You Need to Become a Self-Healer
V10: These 2 Things Are Game-Changers
Version 1A
There I was at rock bottom, losing custody of my child after swallowing a bottle of pills while he was asleep in his room.
At first, it was the most painful outcome... (see more)
Become the Ultimate Healer of Your Life
Discover all you need to become a Self-Healer
Not only was I *still* alive, but I’d also just lost the only thing I felt called to keep living for.
Even worse?
I knew in my raw, aching heart that the judge who made the ruling had made the right call.
Because the moment I found myself sinking into the realization that I’d lost custody of my child…
That was the moment I decided to do whatever it would take to get him back.
That was the moment I surrendered in total willingness to heal myself no matter what.
Yes, I wanted my child back.
But I was also out of other options.
Swallowing all those pills didn’t work, so I might as well do something different.
Hi, there.
My name’s Ladybug Larsen, and what I’ve just shared with you is a glimpse into both the worst moment of my life, and also my greatest blessing.
Perhaps you can relate:
I spent the first 34 years of my life collecting (and repressing) harmful and traumatic experiences, while simultaneously looking for any way out.
At the end of those 34 years, I was in DEEP addiction – to drugs, alcohol, and relationships.
Yet even in the face of my descent to rock bottom, I still didn’t understand I needed to confront and heal the wounds and traumas behind those addictions.
I only knew that I seemed completely unable to stop the landslide of my life.
My romantic relationship was tumultuous, at best.
My friendships were falling apart.
I was on the verge of losing both my job and my house.
And I didn’t see a way out.
Literally every part of my life was in shambles, and the challenge of pulling it all back together seemed insurmountable.
There was no fixing or repairing it, only escaping it.
Fortunately, after I tossed back that bottle of pills in September 2016, chewed them up, and swallowed them all down, I had an “instant sober” moment.
Somewhere inside of me, a spark of light came forward and urged me to call 911.
After I was released from the hospital, the ruling granting temporary, sole custody to my son’s father was the exact catalyst I needed to “get it together” and finally make the powerful decision to do whatever it would take to heal myself and climb up out of rock bottom.
And that’s exactly what I did, with the stable, loving support of a new community of humans all on the same road to recovery.
Three years later, I found myself sitting with the truth that the innate ability I had to heal myself is an ability that every single person has.
But just like I could not heal myself on my own, neither could anyone else.
On top of that, I’d spent multiple years taking the “fisherman’s net approach,” diving deep into all the help I could get my hands on.
And while I did learn quite a bit, I was still floundering around in my pain and suffering.
I had all these tools, but no direction for when or how to use them.
I realized that in order to continue moving steadily on this path of healing…
I needed a clear framework for my personal growth work.
I needed a way to organize my knowledge and tools so that at any given moment, I could look at my life and say, “Ah, this is what I need to do here.”
And then do it.
Having a framework would provide direction when I got lost on my Inner Healing path.
So, I took inventory of everything I had learned and created The Self-Healer’s Way, an 8-week community healing experience, designed to equip you and your fellow Self-Healers with the skills and resources you need to move through your current blocks and stay on a trajectory of steady healing and growth, no matter what circumstance you find yourself in.
The framework outlined in SHW is the same framework I’ve been using since 2018, and it continues to propel me leaps and bounds on my own Inner Healing journey.
If you’re ready to be held, loved, and supported by a community of like-minded individuals as deeply committed to your healing as they are their own...
AND you’re ready to:
Drop the Blame Game and own your healing in its entirety;
Do what’s necessary to address the pain you’re feeling inside, consistently and diligently;
Shed unhelpful stories that have been holding you back in life;
Feel more consistently in-touch with your physical and emotional bodies;
Love yourself more and know that you are worthy of the healing you seek;
Feel more grounded and in-touch with your authentic self on a regular basis;
Be better equipped to exercise choice in how you respond in challenging situations;
Finally break through any blockages that have kept you from applying lessons you’ve already learned to your daily life;
Deeply understand the Self-Worth Trap and be able to pull yourself out of it *before* you spiral into the abyss;
And become part of an intimate cohort of fellow Self-Healers you can journey with for the rest of your life…
Then chances are, you’re *exactly* who SHW was created for, and we’d be STOKED to have you as part of our Summer cohort!
If you’re feeling the nudge, just click “Learn More” at the bottom of this post for more info on SHW, or to book a free healing strategy session.
Even if SHW isn’t the right fit…
I can guarantee you’ll still walk away from a strategy session with some tangible tools to continue on your path.
That’s my commitment to you.
So what’cha waiting for, Beautiful One?
Check out the link below, and let’s get started!
Version 2A
Losing custody of my son in 2016 was both the worst moment of my life, and also my greatest blessing.
Let me explain... (see more)
Become the Ultimate Healer of Your Life
Discover all you need to become a Self-Healer
Hi, there.
My name's Ladybug Larsen, and 2016, I lost custody of my 12-year-old son, after I swallowed a bottle of pills while he asleep in his bedroom.
As you can imagine, it was as if one of my worst nightmares as a mother was coming true before my very eyes.
But now, looking back on the situation nearly 8 years later, I can honestly say...
It was also one of the best things that could have happened for me.
Because in that moment, in what was arguably my darkest hour...
I made the powerful decision to do whatever it would take to regain custody of my son and “get my life together,” once and for all.
And I surrendered in total willingness to "heal my sh*t," no matter what.
So, beginning with a 12-step plan and the stable, loving support of a new community of humans all on the same road to recovery...
That’s exactly what I did.
Years later, I found myself sitting with the truth that the innate ability I had to heal myself is an ability that every single person has.
But just like I could not heal myself on my own, neither could anyone else.
So with the concept of “community as medicine” and the knowledge that we are all the Ultimate Healer of our lives…
I took inventory of everything I had learned and created The Self-Healer’s Way (SHW):
It’s 8-week community-healing experience, designed to equip you and your fellow Self-Healers with the skills and resources you need to move through your current blocks and stay on a trajectory of steady healing and growth, no matter what sort of circumstances you find yourself in.
If you’re ready to be held, loved, and supported by a community of like-minded individuals as deeply committed to your healing as they are their own...
Then chances are, you’re *exactly* who SHW was created for, and we’d be STOKED to have you as part of our Summer cohort!
Just click “Learn More” at the bottom of this post for more info on SHW, or to book a free self-healing strategy session with me.
Even if SHW isn’t the right fit…
I can guarantee you’ll still walk away with some tangible tools to continue on your path.
So what’cha waiting for, Beautiful One?
Check out the link below, and let’s get started!
Version 1B
When I was finally ready to make my way up out of rock bottom, there were ***2 things*** I needed more than anything else... (see more)
From Rock Bottom to Ultimate Self-Healer
The TWO things you really need to succeed
The first was a roadmap toward recovery...
And the second was a group of humans to hold me accountable, accept me, support, and love me while I learned to do those things for myself.
With those two factors in place, it didn’t take long until I saw my life beginning to pull itself back together.
But as it was pulling together, I was also becoming aware of *how much* healing I still had in front of me if I wanted to radically transform my life.
The original roadmap I was given in AA had helped me get to the point of functioning again, but I knew there was more.
On top of that, I did not want to go back to where I was before life spiraled out of control. I wanted to reach my full potential and truly *thrive.*
So, I took the “fisherman’s net approach,” diving deep into all the help I could get my hands on:
Self-help books
Talk therapy
Psychedelics therapy
Holistic healing webinars
YouTube talks and Podcasts
And while all that helped and I did learn quite a bit…
I was still floundering around in my pain and suffering.
I had all these new tools…
But no direction for when or how to use them.
I realized that in order to continue moving steadily on this path of healing, I needed a NEW framework for my personal growth work.
One that incorporated all the wisdom, experience, and self-healing tools I’d accumulated.
So, I took inventory of everything I had learned and created The Self-Healer’s Way.
It’s an 8-week-long community-healing experience designed to equip you and your fellow Self-Healers with the skills and resources you need to move through your current blocks and stay on a trajectory of steady healing and growth, no matter what circumstance you find yourself in.
The framework outlined in SHW is the same framework I’ve been using since 2018, and it continues to propel me leaps and bounds on my own Inner Healing journey.
If you’re ready to be held, loved, and supported by a community of like-minded individuals as deeply committed to your healing as they are their own...
Then chances are, you’re *exactly* who SHW was created for, and we’d be STOKED to have you as part of our Summer cohort!
Just click “Learn More” at the bottom of this post for more info on SHW, or to book a free healing strategy session.
Even if SHW isn’t the right fit…
I can guarantee you’ll still walk away with some tangible tools to continue on your path.
That’s my commitment to you.
So what’cha waiting for, Beautiful One?
Let’s get started!