Written & Recorded Radio Advertisements

(Please be sure to listen to the 30-second audio of each ad to feel the full effect of the copy. 😉)

#1: Let Big Daddy’s Light Your Fire

Written & Recorded by Jordan Templeton


Got a burnin’ love for fireworks?

Wanna be thunderstruck this July 4th?

Then come see us at Big Daddy’s Fireworks in New Strawn, Kansas, in the air-conditioned Community Building, 319 Getz Street.

Open 10 AM to 10 PM, June 28 through July 4th. 

We’ve got great balls of fire and plenty of boom-boom-pows to help you celebrate in a blaze of glory.

As always, 20% discount for military, law enforcement, and fire rescue.

Watch our Facebook page for other special discounts and giveaways.

Don’t break the bank this year — let Big Daddy’s light your fire!

#2: A Whole ‘Lotta Stuff That Explodes
& Goes Boom

Written & Recorded by Jordan Templeton


Sorry, folks.

We don’t have any Spleen-Splitters, Whisker-biscuits, Honky-Lighters, Hoosker-Dos, Hoosker-Don’ts, Cherry Bombs, Nipsy Daisers…

Or one, single Whistlin’ Kitty Chaser!

But we DO have…

Angry Beavers, Pyro Panthers, Chicken-on-a-Chain, One Bad Mother AND One Bad Granny…

Bubble Blasters, Headless Horseman, WOW Factor, Excaliburs…

And a whole ‘lotta other stuff that explodes and goes BOOM…

At Big Daddy’s Fireworks.

So come see us in New Strawn, Kansas, 319 Getz Street, inside the air-conditioned Community Building.

We’ve got the good stuff.