Come Get the 💥Best Bang💥 Around at Big Daddy's Fireworks

So, it's finally Friday.

Time to kiss the work week goodbye, and say “hello” to another weekend filled with fun, sun, and some much-needed R&R.

You work hard so you can play hard, and man-oh-man do you know how to cut loose.

You're no stranger to the simple luxuries in life, like indoor plumbing.

But that doesn’t mean you’re “high maintenance” or hoity-toity.

Most days, all you need to kick back and enjoy yourself is an ice-cold beer, some smokin’ hot barbecue, a comfty lawn chair, and of course, good company. 

Throw in clear skies with a beautiful sunset, and you're happy as a clam!

And although you’re not above splurging on the “fancy” hotdogs or burger patties for special occasions, like your annual Independence Day shindig each Fourth of July… 

You just can't seem to justify shelling out $60 for a measly 200-gram-20-shot cake with a crooked-lookin’-buck-toothed beaver splashed across the packaging.

That kind of jacked-up pricing just downright sucks because, well… 

July 4th is one of your *favorite* days of the year.

You love this great nation of ours (#Merika!), and you respect the heck out of those who've fought to preserve and protect our dignity and freedom.

And, like the red-blooded, God-fearing American you are… 

You like to express that respect by lighting up the sky every Fourth of July for a few moments of solidarity and salutations.

You love to celebrate and pay tribute in style… 

But what you *don't* love…

Is the hit your wallet takes. 😒

Even when you and the neighbors pool your funds to throw together one helluva show for the whole block… 

The dollars just never seem to go as far year-after-year. 

It always seems like you keep spending more-and-more, but get less-and-less for what you pay. 

And at some point, you gotta wonder… 

Are all these fireworks fat cats just in it for the quick cash?

Does anyone running these pop-ups stands even remember just what the heck this holiday is for? 

Are there any real patriots left in the fireworks business at all? 

Friend, we hear you.

We get it.

And we feel the same way. 

Just like you, we ALSO think it's outrageous to spend gobs of your hard-earned moolah for just a few short minutes worth of some pretty colors and loud booms. 

While we’re at it…

We ALSO think it's outrageous to ask our veterans and service women, men, and other such folk (active AND retired), to pay full price for the good stuff.

And, FYI, we offer a 20% discount at Big Daddy's Fireworks for these honored customers and clients, as well as law enforcement officers, firemen, and first responders.

In fact, that's why we got into the fireworks biz in the first place, almost 20 years ago.

(Well... that and Big Daddy himself is a pyromaniac man-child at heart. )

That’s why we're a wholesale dealer with a price-match guarantee… 

Which is why our prices are so much lower than all the other guys. 👀

We can offer our products for less because we buy our own inventory and run our own stands, instead of running one for a distributor. 

We're also 100% family-owned-and-operated, just as we’ve always been.

That means we’re "hands-on," right on down to the loading and unloading of hundreds of brand-spankin-new-boxed-products, year after year. 

And not only will we price-match if you can find a product we carry at another stand for a better deal…

We’ll do you one even better and knock off an additional 5%.

So if you want more bang for your buck… 

And you love fireworks and what this holiday stands for as much as our family does… 

Come see us at Big Daddy’s Fireworks in New Strawn, KS, located at the New Strawn Community Center. 

We'll set you up with the best gosh-darn fireworks display you've ever had! 💥🎆🎇🎆🗽



Mention this ad, and we’ll throw in a few freebies for the kids, just to sweeten the deal.

Because THAT’S the joy of fireworks.

So when you think “Big Daddy’s”...

Think freedom done right.

And remember…

We’ve got the good stuff. 😎🔥