TURNING BURNOUT & FATIGUE INTO THE BUSINESS OF HER DREAMS: How This Busy Mom-preneur Overhauled Her Health & Transformed Her Family’s Whole World

Hello, friend.

Let me ask you a question.

Imagine someone offered you the golden key to unlocking the business of your wildest dreams

But in order for that key to work…

You’d first need to evolve your relationship with your body.

Would you take it?

If it meant you could:

Would you do it?

Before you write all this off as an out-of-touch “pipe-dream”…

You need to meet Tarah Mayers, Owner of Fruit & Veg Delivery Service in Bridgetown, Barbados.

A devoted wife and mother of four, Tarah found herself on the verge of closing her business for good in 2017, when the extreme exhaustion, daily fatigue, and chronic pain she’d been living with for five years began to get the better of her.

Still, Tarah wasn’t ready to throw in the towel just yet.

Determined to take back control of her body and overall well-being, she sought the guidance of someone who could help her reclaim her health and, hopefully, save her business.

But not only did she save her business

She took it from a simple, daily delivery service… 

And turned it into a community-wide healthy lifestyle initiative…

With more clients than ever before.

And if you stick around to hear the rest of her story, you’ll discover exactly how she did it.



Tarah founded Fruit & Veg in 2005, on a mission to make living foods more accessible to her local community by delivering fresh fruits, vegetables, and gift baskets every day of the week.

Yet in 2012, she found her own health and energy levels rapidly declining, constantly overwhelmed with exhaustion and fatigue, as well as chronic abdominal pain.

Seeking answers to the changes in her body, she sought the advice of her family doctor and was diagnosed with ectopic heartbeats.

With her diagnosis looming, the business that once filled her with joy and inspiration quickly became a source of fear and a burden she struggled to keep afloat.

Tarah worried she wouldn’t be able to keep up with her existing clientele. 

She also feared "failing" as a wife and mother, unable to care for her family in the ways she desired.

For five long years…

Tarah suffered through her fear and anxieties alone, until she reached a turning point in March 2017, after yet another painful abdominal flare up.

That’s when she knew for certain — she'd finally had enough.

It was time to take her health and well-being seriously, and it was time to find support doing it.

That's when she met Keon Moffatt, a holistic wellness coach and herbalist with more than 20 years of combined experience as a Legal Nurse Consultant and detox specialist.

Knowing Keon had the exact answers and support she sought, Tarah immediately joined her wellness community. 

After just one month, her husband Rodney was mesmerized by her transformation.

And he wanted in on the magic.

As Tarah explains, “Watching my tummy shrink and seeing me lose weight in my arms, he said, ‘I want to eat whatever you’re eating! I want to do whatever you’re doing!’”

Although it didn't take long for Tarah to see the benefits of Keon’s guidance, it definitely wasn't easy at first. 

To relieve her abdominal pain, Keon put her on a custom detox regimen.

A few days in, Tarah started experiencing withdrawal-like symptoms, such as massive headaches and nausea, which persisted for several more days.

She initially bucked against Keon’s advice to increase the amount of starch she was eating — the exact opposite advice she expected to receive — as well as eating at different times of the day and at different intervals than she was used to.

Pushing through her uncertainty, she followed Keon’s guidance.

And within a week, to her absolute amazement and delight, she was no longer experiencing her painful symptoms, while she continued losing weight.



While she hadn't originally sought Keon’s help to transform what she saw in the mirror or read on the scale, Tarah quickly discovered how the decision to better manage her health could create a massive ripple effect in ways she hadn't even imagined.

By July 2017, just five months after she began working with Keon… 

Tarah had lost more than 30 pounds… 

And Rodney had lost more than 50 pounds.

But the changes didn't stop with Tarah and Rodney.

Their children — Malachi, Jonathan, Faith-Sarya, and baby Joel — soon adopted their parents' new lifestyle.

Today, they work together as a family to keep each other on course.

In fact, Malachi, the eldest, is now a personal trainer, and he continues to find new ways to keep his family motivated and supported in their individual goals.

“Even if we fall back a bit, Malachi encourages us,” Tarah says.

“He’s in our heads, in our ears constantly. One time I took a bite of something I shouldn't have been eating, and he snatched it out of my hand and said, ‘Spit it out!’ I was so shocked, but I spit it out, and then he said, ‘If Keon knew you were doing that, what would she say?'”

However, not every child took to the new lifestyle with as much ease.

Faith-Sarya, the “cheese baby,” as Tarah puts it, seemed to have the most challenges to overcome.

Just as Tarah had experienced withdrawal-like symptoms during her first detox, so too did Faith-Sarya when Tarah cut cheese out of her daughter's diet.

In addition to her “cheese problem,” Faith-Sarya had also developed a persistent, musty odor, which Tarah felt was not normal for such a young girl. At the time, she was only 7 years old.

Following the same principles she'd learned from Keon to address her own issues, Tarah put her daughter on a detox regimen of her own.

For three months, she cut chicken, pasta, and — you guessed it, CHEESE — completely out of Faith-Sarya's diet.

As Tarah describes it, “She became lean, but not small. Her skin became vibrant, her hair started to grow and shine even more, and her natural scent is so good now. Now, she smells like a child. I did a test where I purposefully didn’t wash her hair for three weeks, and at the end of those three weeks, her hair still smelled so good. That’s when I knew she was properly detoxed.”

Today, Faith-Sarya mostly eats fish and turkey, and she only eats chicken once a week or so — if she asks for it.

She no longer asks for cheese, having kicked her habit for good.


In addition to the health benefits of working with Keon, perhaps the most significant breakthrough Tarah experienced is the transformation in her identity as an individual, independent of who she is as a wife, mother, and entrepreneur.

“At first, it was about my health, but as I began to dig deeper, it became about my entire life,” Tarah says.

Before working with Keon, Tarah never allowed herself to indulge in alone time, and everyone else's needs — including her clients — took priority over her own. 

Her sense of boundaries and self-worth were virtually nonexistent, and fear and anxiety ruled her life.

But with Keon’s help, what began as a single yet powerful decision to improve her health and alleviate her symptoms blossomed into an entirely new outlook on life and set of values regarding family, business, and most importantly…

Her sense of worthiness and self-love.

“Keon taught me how to check in with myself and to really know myself because she never took anything at face value,” Tarah says. “It’s the mind, it’s the soul, and it’s what’s going on in your heart that really brings the whole thing together and helps you see that you can accomplish your goals when ALL of you is working in sync.”

Today, Tarah is excited and energized by her new life, and her business is growing faster than ever

Since finishing her work with Keon in 2018, Fruit & Veg has expanded into more than just a delivery service.

It's now a healthy lifestyle initiative where Tarah can share her experience and knowledge with others, helping them change their relationships with food and their bodies

She currently has more than 160 clients she regularly serves through her delivery and wellness consultation services.

She's also waking up every day feeling liberated and inspired to feed her clients and encourage her audience.

Her number one piece of advice is this:

“You are more powerful than you believe, but you need to allow yourself to shine. You need to reach into yourself and find the true you. It will be rough, it will be hard, and you might feel most days you’re just failing at it. But you have to fail your way to success. You have to learn from your failures. If you don’t fail, you learn nothing.”


By now, you’re probably thinking Tarah’s story sounds pretty great.

But her success has to be an anomaly, right?

What you need to understand before you click off of this page, more than anything else that’s been shared with you today, is this:

Tarah’s story is NOT unique.

And she certainly is NOT an anomaly.

Perhaps you’re here now, still reading these words, because you’re in a similar situation or reaching for the same kinds of goals.

And like Tarah, you find yourself up against a seemingly impossible set of obstacles, whether that be an energy-zapping heart condition or another diagnosis keeping you stuck and afraid of what the future holds.


Maybe the obstacles you’re facing have less to do with your physical symptoms and more to do with your mindset and mental health.

Perhaps there are certain behaviors you want to change, but no matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to make anything stick.

No matter the reasons, you’re here right now, because deep down, you know…

You deserve your own success story.

You deserve a better relationship with your body and the foods you choose to fuel it with.

You deserve to grow, evolve, and transform yourself on every level imaginable.

You deserve to live your BEST life, embodying your true potential and showing up in the world as your most authentic, whole self.

And just like Tarah and dozens of others who’ve worked with Keon Moffatt…

It’s YOUR turn to radically transform your ENTIRE life through Keon’s signature, holistic approach to health and wellness…

So without further ado, allow me to introduce…

The Key to Get Fit™️

Combining Coach Keon’s 22 years of experience as a Legal Nurse Consultant, Herbalist, Certified Women’s Wellness Consultant, and Detox Specialist…

The Key to Get Fit™️ is a private, fully customizable, yearlong journey to unlock the specific “codes” leading to YOUR unique health and wellness goals.

As you saw in Tarah’s story, this system can have far-reaching, trans-generational benefits.

Not only can The Key to Get Fit™️ help you reclaim your health and wellness…

It can also helps you upgrade every single area of your life.

Because when you change one aspect of what Keon calls the Fitness Holy Trinity — body, mind, and soul — you create a ripple effect that impacts them all.

And as Tarah puts it, when ALL of you is working in sync, that’s when real, lifelong transformation can occur.

This next part may feel like a hard pill to swallow… 

But the only thing that sets Tarah and others like her apart from those who find themselves with similar obstacles to overcome…

Is their determination and DECISION, day after day, to do what it takes to change their circumstances.

ESPECIALLY… when it gets tough. When you most want to throw in the towel.

And that always means stepping outside of your comfort zone and doing the hard work you’d rather avoid.

Otherwise, you’ll continue wasting your most precious resources (time, money, and energy) looking for the “easy” way out.

But as you already know — there is no magic pill, no button you can press, and no wand you can wave to see the kinds of results you know you deserve.

You also know making these kinds of changes and sticking to your commitment to see them through...

It's a lot easier said than done, right?

You can't usually just “buckle down” and simply honor your goals without first equipping yourself with some serious, reliable, effective support.

And when you factor in certain elements like diet-restrictions, or the hustle and bustle of everyday life and the temptations that come with it, out to sabotage you at every turn, or maybe even the lack of support and encouragement from your friends and loved ones…

It can seem far too easy — convenient, even — to compromise and prolong your health and wellness priorities.

Or avoid them altogether.

At the same time, you know deep in your gut, that eventually, someday…

All that compromising and avoiding is going to catch up to you. (Hopefully NOT in a catastrophic way.)

Maybe then you'll have reached your own turning point and finally get serious about changing your situation.

But please understand this…

It DOESN’T have to be that way!

You don't have to wait for tragedy to strike, or reach your personal breaking point.

You can decide right now, in this very moment, to say “yes” to life, just like Tarah and so many others like her. (And now you!)

You can choose, right now, to do what you know you need to, in order to change the trajectory of your life.

You have the power to take control of your health AND positively influence your destiny.

And while you CAN be successful on your own…

You know in your heart that the quickest, most effective, most sustainable way to do that…

Is to arm yourself with the kind of support and accountability you truly desire.

That's why we've gone to the trouble of sharing Tarah’s story with you, so you can see for yourself just how possible it is to reclaim your health and upgrade your whole life.

So if you’re ready to give yourself a real chance and discover how to bypass — once and for all — the pitfalls keeping you stuck in your current situation…

>>Then click right here to book a complimentary strategy call with Coach Keon.<<

When you book a call, there’s absolutely no obligation to work with Keon.

But we can promise she’ll help you uncover your true health and wellness goals, as well as get to the bottom of what's REALLY standing in the way of you achieving them.

At the end of your time together, if she feels she can help you overcome those obstacles and achieve your goals, she'll invite you to become a private client in The Key to Get Fit™️.

And you…

Will be on your way to the healthy, happy, powerful person you were born to be.

No matter what, even if you don’t decide to work with Keon, you’ll walk away with newfound clarity (and inspiration!) around your health and wellness journey, as well as some new resources to help you take the next step.

You have nothing to lose but pain, stress, fear, anxiety… and maybe a few pounds and inches as a bonus! 😉

So why hesitate?

It’s only your best life waiting for you on the other side.

>>Book your complimentary call now!<<